
Mount Kelimutu & its tri-colored lakes

Known as the magical lakes that change colors, Kelimutu is a place is naturally surrounded by myths and legends alike. Some said that the colors of the lakes foretell future events. Each lake would change color and they display different shades, despite being right next to each other. Sometimes amber, at times turquoise, then they turn green—although the science behind the changing of the color is relatively well-known, due to the lack of study conducted on the lake, scientists have yet to predict a pattern of the changing of the lakes’ colors. Go early to visit the Kelimutu lakes to avoid crowds. Depending on whether it’s high or low seasons, mid-mornings are often a good time to visit. Sunsets are particularly crowded time, while sunrises are often quite popular as well. However, rest assured that at the moment, the crowds in Kelimutu mountain is sparse and certainly not as packed as that of Bromo’s. If this is an issue to you, make sure to take notes and adjust your visit accordingly so that you’ll be able to thoroughly enjoy the enchanted Kelimutu.

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